Wing Chung, The Disney Dentist

27 Feb

From the San Gabriel Valley Tribune:

No one considers a dental office the happiest place on earth.But maybe Dr. Wing Chung’s is the exception.

Chung, who owns a dental practice in Covina, has turned his three examination rooms into the various lands found within the Disneyland theme park.

“The whole thing started as kind of a joke,” Chung said.

But for a joke, Chung has taken the vibe of each examination room pretty seriously.

His first room, which was the original concept room for the other two that followed, is based on Fantasyland. It’s complete with limited edition attraction replicas, attraction posters and figurines based on characters that correspond to that land – like Dumbo and Peter Pan.

The next room is based on Adventureland, which features the Tiki Room bird, Tiki masks, a miniature Jungle Cruise replica boat and a commemorative ticket from the nascency of the Indiana Jones ride. There are even fake leaves that line corners of the ceiling.

His final room, and the most requested by patients, is his New Orleans Square room, with artifacts ranging from the the four creepy posters that stretch and grow in the elevator of the Haunted Mansion, to a replica map found just inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

I’ve gotta wonder if Dr Chung has seen the documentary Trekkies, which includes an interview with a dentist whose office is decorated entirely in Star Trek theme, and whose staff dresses in Starfleet uniforms. I’ll bet the two dentists could swap plenty of awesome stories! There are some aspects of fandom that cut across almost all genres.

I saw Trekkies for the first time near the tail end of a 24-hour sci fi film festival, and it was funny to hear people heckle the Trekkies, given that: a) said hecklers had been sitting around in the dark watching sci fi movies for 22 hours, and b) many of said hecklers probably had an opinion on Kirk v. Picard (Picard, duh).

10 Responses to “Wing Chung, The Disney Dentist”

  1. Michelle February 27, 2008 at 11:59 pm #

    Everybody Wing Chung tonight! (c’mon, it had to be said)

    I never did find out if Starbase Dental is the same dentist as the one in Trekkies. We were looking for a new dentist recently, and I tried to talk Kevin into looking into that one. 😉 We opted for one about 2mi away instead of 25. That’s a bit far for a dentist. Unfortunately. 😀

  2. Jennifer February 28, 2008 at 8:34 am #

    Thanks for the link to Starbase Dental, Michelle!

  3. Homer5 March 18, 2008 at 12:30 pm #

    I think he could’ve done the trek thing too, but Disney does not look as dated or old as Trek does. Doc Chung’s website is

  4. Dr. Chung March 18, 2008 at 4:28 pm #

    Dear Jennifer,
    I did see the documentary on Trekkies. I don’t think I’m that bad. I feel the rooms are done in good taste. Its funny that I made your blog. If you happen to be on the river, look me up. I’m also a cast member doc chung

  5. Jennifer March 18, 2008 at 4:38 pm #

    Bad? Who said anything about bad? I love the Trekkie dentist! I’m all in favor of rabid fandom. Wave that freak flag!

  6. Dr. Chung March 19, 2008 at 1:25 pm #

    I thought you were making fun of me . I’m a big star trek fan. my freak flag ia flying high

  7. Jennifer March 19, 2008 at 1:47 pm #

    Yay, fly that flag dude!

  8. collateraldamage March 20, 2008 at 9:52 am #

    I have to have extra sympathy for Dr. Chung. He has endured 20 years of people saying to him “Everybody Wing Chung Tonight!”

  9. Jeanne Li April 14, 2008 at 6:55 pm #

    Hey Doc…
    Funny how i wandered onto this site…expect a package coming your way! But i would be very careful when you open you may explode! (with laughter that is!)

  10. Judy April 14, 2008 at 10:48 pm #

    Hey cousin, your famous……

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