Tag Archives: NBC

Love the Country Bears Christmas Show? You’ve Got Work to Do

3 Nov

Check out this post today from The Disney Blog. I quote:

The rumor is that Walt Disney World management has decided to save a little money by not switching the costumes, audio-animatronic controls, and decor of the attraction to the holiday show. Not sure how much money this would save, but it can’t be worth the loss of the holiday spirit the show provides that area of the park. It’s a popular show that has fans returning to the park each holiday season to see it.

John Frost provides contact info for the people at Disney to whom you may wish to express yourself.

And now, I must admit, I’m having a little walk down Memory Lane. My grandfather was Mort Werner, NBC’s VP of Programming in the 1960s and 1970s. If you were an extremely nerdy Star Trek fan in the early days, you might have sent him a postcard to protest the cancellation of the original series, in what was perhaps the first ever major fan campaign to bring back a doomed show. But does anybody remember him as the man who argued for the show to get a second shot, after that miserable first pilot? Does anybody remember that he was lobbying for Star Trek feature films as early as 1970? Well, some people do, and to them I am grateful.

And yes, I am indeed nerdy enough to be proud of my original Tribbles from the set.


So, do send those letters to Meg, and Phil, and Erin. And be kind.