Tag Archives: 501st Legion

Jentasmic!: I Heart Vader’s Fist

8 May
Chllin' with R2 at the Weird Al show last summer

Chllin' with R2 at the Weird Al show last summer

No, it’s not some new geekcore band….Vader’s Fist is the 501st Legion, whom many of you have seen at Disney’s Hollywood Studios during Star Wars Weekends. This week’s Jentasmic! column at StudiosCentral is a love letter of sorts, talking about my various run-ins with this fabulous group.

But it’s not just that they’ve got fabulous wardrobe…it’s that they put their time and money into creating memorable experiences for Star Wars fans. Check out their Mission Statement: “…The Legion is a volunteer club formed for the express purpose of bringing together costume enthusiasts and giving them a collective identity within which to operate. The Legion’s aims are to celebrate the Star Wars movies through the wearing of costumes, to promote the quality and improvement of costumes and props, and most importantly to contribute to the local community through charity and volunteer work…” As much as I enjoyed the presence of the 501st at Star Wars Weekends last year, I was every bit as happy to see them about a month later, at a Weird Al concert in New Hampshire, swaying back and forth on stage as he performed The Saga Begins. They’d also brought a full-size radio-controlled R2-D2, which entertained the crowds before the performance began. Unexpectedly spotting R2 in the crowd as we entered the pavilion almost made the 3-hour (with traffic) ride worthwhile.

Head on over to StudiosCentral to read the rest!

Ran into a cousin at ConnectiCon!

Ran into a cousin at ConnectiCon!

Star Wars Day at Pawtucket Red Sox

4 May

No, I’m not just sitting around being bitter about the fact that I won’t be at Disney’s Hollywood Studios’ Star Wars Weekends this year….I got myself off the couch this weekend and trucked down to Pawtucket, Rhode Island, for a fabulous appearance by the 501st Legion at the PawSox’ first annual Star Wars Day, woot!


Shadow Trooper

Shadow Trooper Autograph

Tuskan Raider

Jawa Fight

Jawa Autograph

Check out the photos at MassLive.com too! And hey, did you know that today is Star Wars Day? May the Fourth be with you!