Tag Archives: technology

New Tween Electronics From Disney

14 Aug

Mr Broke Hoedown just sent me the link to GizmoDiva’s page on the new electronics from Disney, aimed at the tween market:

I’m going crazy with the way today’s kids are entertained with gadgets that keep’em busy all thru the day. And if all that wasn’t enough, blame Disney for unveiling more high-techie gadgets for more interesting entertainment. Kids and tweens are in for a ton of fun this fall with a hot line of Disney electronics waiting to be unleashed. The line includes the Disney Flix Video Camera, a digital video camera that comes bundled with Disney Director software, which allows your brats to star in their own Disney movies. They are also offering LCD TVs, such as the 15-inch High School Musical model, resembling a locker.

I know for sure my nieces, who aren’t even close to being tweens yet, would go nuts for the High School Musical television!