Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Super-cool Shoes!

29 Jan

Aren’t these just the coolest shoes ever? Well, almost ever. I’ve got a pair of silver boots I bought in Montreal a couple years ago when I was at a professional retreat there, and those are arguably cuter, especially with my parachute pants . . . but I digress.

Amy posted the link to these shoes in my blog the other day, on my previous post about Oswald merch disappointing me so far, and I thought they were cool enough to merit their very own post. Sadly, I’m still disappointed . . . but only because it seems these shoes probably won’t be sold in the US. From Cool Hunting:

Melissa Characters
Taking cues from popular characters from childhood, this fun line includes Le Petit Prince who gets a pointy flat for winter. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, the first-ever Disney character, stars on a special Ultragirl model that will first be sold at Colette in Paris before hitting Brazil.

Sadly, I don’t think I can justify a special trip to Paris (or Brazil) just to look for Oswald shoes. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to! I do believe there’s a pretty little Disney park there, y’know. And really, there’s no such thing as a bad reason to go to Paris!

One Response to “Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Super-cool Shoes!”


  1. Haunted Mansion Hightops « Broke Hoedown - January 29, 2009

    […] am also still longing for a pair of the super-cool Oswald the Lucky Rabbit shoes, as well. But I don’t think they would’ve done real well on the ice rink that was my […]

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