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Star Tours: In Praise of Avoiding Spoilers

16 Dec

With an old buddy, at Connection 2009

[Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert!]

I waited . . . and waited. . . and waited. I guess you could say I’m dual-diagnosed, because I’m both a Disney fan, and a Star Wars fan. And still, I managed to avoid almost all spoilers about the recently-updated Star Tours attraction at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

Was it worth it? From this week’s Jentasmic! column:

I’ve got an analytical mind, and I find it hard to shut off. But that first time through, I was completely swept away. Darth Vader was there, and we were in his grip. My friend Eliyanna was a rebel spy! C3P0 and R2D2 managed to get us free, and before I knew it we were dodging AT-ATs on Hoth. Then a message from Admiral Ackbar (it’s a trap!!!), and now off to Naboo! I was having so much fun even Jar Jar didn’t get to me. I do believe Matt will vouch for me when I tell you that after the ride was over, I was so happy I could have cried.

Head on over to StudiosCentral to read the rest . . .

Jentasmic!: Star Tours 2.0? Meh.

30 Oct

Disneyland Paris, where nostalgic fans will be able to enjoy Star Tours 1.0 for the forseeable future!

My Jentasmic! column this week at Studios Central displays my level of enthusiasm for the upcoming Star Tours update:

It’s been over a month since the announcement at the D23 Expo that Star Tours 2.0 will be coming to both Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disneyland in 2011, and I’m still mulling it over. Will I love this like the new Haunted Mansion, or are we headed for another Journey into Imagination without the freakin’ Dreamfinder?

Head on over to Studios Central to read the rest….


Star Tours II Video Preview

12 Sep

I guess the rumors had to be true sooner or later, right? It’s just been announced that Star Tours 2 in 3D will debut at Disneyland in 2011. I haven’t heard word yet about when it hits Walt Disney World (or the other Parks worldwide for that matter), but I’ll bet by the time you’re reading this there’s word on the interwebs somewhere.

According to this audio clip, Star Tours will close down in October 2010. (And yeah, when the guy on the clip says the 508 is on stage, I do believe he means the 501st, whom I love more than a little.)

I’m gonna miss Rex!

Update: The Disney Blog says Walt Disney World will also receive the update in 2011.

Disney/Star Wars Mash-ups on DeviantArt

13 Dec

It’s funny the things you happen across when you’re snowed in, and searching the interweb for any rumors related to Star Wars Weekends 2008, cuz you’re totally jonesing to plan your next trip. Like for example, I came across a posting on the Star Wars message boards which sent me to a fabulous DeviantArt gallery of Disney/Star Wars Mashups, by Thumper-01.

I love the way Thumper-01 used some of the old-school Disney characters and imagery here. There’s also plenty of more contemporary images as well.

Once you get to any page in the gallery, look for the text “continue the tour,” and it’ll take you through a loop of various fun mash-ups.

Mash-up: Bambi’s Mad world

6 Jul

Haunting, sweet, sad. Big kudos to Alietje2908.

Star Tours 2 Rumors Flare Again

7 Jun

The interweb’s abuzz again with rumors of an update to the Star Tours attraction movie. Apparently Anthony Daniels may have made a comment at the Adventure Con comic book convention in Knoxville about having filmed his portion of the new movie.

Head to MouseExtra for the scoop, including a link to the original Screamscape article. There’s also some good discussion in the MouseExtra comments, so keep reading past the break. The Disney Blog has weighed in too. And take this rumor with a serious grain of salt because goodness knows we’ve heard it all before.