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Disney Store Selling Bust Enhancement Cream

6 Sep

Bounce Back Bust Butter

Yeah, I know that title might land this straight in your spam filter. But it’s true! The new Disney Baby collection that many of us Disney fans got email about this morning includes skin care products for new moms, including Bounce Back Bust Butter. And I find this hilarious.

Mickey Mouse Suicide Shirt

9 May

At least, I think it’s a shirt. It could be a skirt. It would be awfully strange as curtains or a tablecloth.

C’mon Mickey, things aren’t really that bad! Whatever’s wrong, let’s just blame Hooter. That’s what Captain EO’s crew always seem to do.

Readers, can you translate any of the background text? Maybe we can help poor Mickey.

Toy Story 3 for Best Picture? Early Condolence

26 Feb

Toy Story 3: It's a Shame There's No Way in Hell This Will Win Best Picture

From College Humor’s Honest Movie Titles: Oscars 2011.

Disney Hipster Meme

24 Feb

Who knew there was a whole meme going on out on the interwebs about Disney hipsters? And no, I don’t mean trendy themepunks . . . I mean photoshopping and captioning Disney characters into hipster status.

I’m lucky enough to have a teenage son to clue me into these things, and he sent me these as a bit of a sampler (click on the images for larger versions):

And hey, if you’re inspired, here’s a palette of Disney hipsters, all ready for you to caption.

Disney Hipster Pallete

Rumor has it there’s a little place called MemeBase where people churn this stuff out every day. In fact, right now there’s a pretty nasty caption on a Buzz Lightyear drinking cup posted there. But you didn’t hear it from me.

Autocomplete: Hannah Montana is . . .

17 Feb

From AutoCompleteMe.

Now, what was that I was saying just the other day about parents banning Disney Channel from the home because they think Hannah Montana and her ilk are a bad influence? ‘Nuf said.

Hall of Inaccurate Presidents

15 Feb

First my son mentioned it. Then Your Souvenir Guide ran it. So I knew it had to be good. And it is.

I voted for Leo Smoot, myself. I think everyone in the metropolitan Boston area had to, really. Isn’t he related to Oliver Smoot?

Any Pumpkins Mysteriously Appear in New Jersey?

23 Apr


Officials in New Jersey are asking for the public’s help in recovering a stolen vehicle.

But as CBS station WCBS-TV found out, this is one cold case the likes of which you’ve probably never seen before.

“Uh, I’ve never seen anything like it before,” said Belleville Police Capt. Mark Minichini said.

It seems a 7-foot tall and 8-foot long, 1,000-pound gold Cinderella carriage, a feature in the town’s annual Columbus Day Parade, has vanished into thin air. Stolen.

Bibbidi bobbidi boo!

Megaplex Mixup: “Sex Drive” Shown to “HSM3” Audience

29 Oct

From Deseret News:

Friday night, managers at the Megaplex Theatre at the District, 11400 South Bangerter Highway, switched one of the showings of “High School Musical 3: Senior Year” to a larger auditorium to accommodate more people. They forgot, however, to switch the movie that had previously been scheduled for the room.

So rather than the family-friendly, G-rated “High School Musical 3,” the beginning of the very nonfamily-friendly R-rated “Sex Drive” came on the screen. The opening minutes of the movie include nudity.

Via Obscure Store and Reading Room. Hat tip to Mr. Broke Hoedown for the headsup.

Vote Imperial! Wardrobe for SWW09, Anyone?

7 Sep

Never too early to start planning wardrobe for Star Wars Weekends 2009, it is! Sure, we don’t officially know the dates yet (though StudiosCentral has good dirt), but if you go, you know you’re gonna be clothed, right? This is just one of many fabulous t-shirts from James Lillis, spotted via BoingBoing.

Miley Cyrus Photoshop Disaster

7 Sep

A tad disturbing, n’est-ce pas?

From Photoshop Disasters, bien sur.