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Controversy over Hong Kong Disneyland Fireworks

31 Jan

DIS News has reposted an article from Science Daily, “Engineer Says Disney Fireworks May Harm Neighbors:”

Hong Kong’s Environmental Committee is looking at the pollution generated by the nightly fireworks and its possible effect on residents of nearby Discovery Bay and Ping Chau Island. However, the study may be a mere formality because Disney has already passed the environmental assessment and has been granted permission to use the conventional fireworks.

As the article points out, similar questions have been raised in Anaheim for years.

Hong Kong Disneyland Sets Limits for Spring Festival

22 Jan

And it’s a good thing too . . . those of you who’ve been following HK Disneyland know they ran into plenty of trouble last year during the Lunar New Year, when mobs of unhappy guests stormed the gates, even throwing their children over the fences to get into the park.

HK Disneyland now sells tickets for specific dates, and is publishing the attendance limits for the Spring Festival. Shanghai Daily has the full story.

New Attractions for Hong Kong Disneyland

14 Dec

The Associated Press, by way of the Houston Chronicle, reports that Hong Kong Disneyland will be adding new rides.

Stepping up its expansion program, Hong Kong Disneyland said Thursday it plans to add three new attractions by the first half of 2008, including the classic Disney ride “It’s a Small World.”

Hong Kong Disneyland said in a statement it will also add Animation Academy, where Disney artists will teach cartoon drawing, and “Mickey’s WaterWorks” water-based parade.

The article later notes that the new attractions will open in summer of 2007 and the first half of 2008.

I must admit, I can only cringe as I think of It’s a Small World being exported yet again. Yes, it’s a classic, and yes, I’ve ridden it in every Disneyland there is, so perhaps I’m just bitter because I don’t know when I’ll get out to this new park. Harumph. I gotta book me some goddamn flights to Hong Kong.

Biometrics Now for HK Disneyland AP Holders

24 Nov

ZDNet Asia has a piece today about Hong Kong Disneyland implementing biometrics for Annual Passholders:

First deployed at Disneyland World in Florida, U.S., Ticket Tag is currently available to Hong Kong Disneyland’s Annual Pass holders at two ticketing turnstiles at the park’s entrance, Shek said. But, he added, the technology will eventually be implemented in every turnstile.

With Ticket Tag, Annual Pass holders no longer need to produce a photo ID card to authenticate their identity, he said, adding that this enhances the experience of the park’s visitors. He noted that customers, who still have concerns about using their fingerprints, can choose to continue using a photo ID card as a form of identification.

I cringe every time I put my fingers into the scanners. But I just keep doing it, don’t I? My, this pond is nice and warm and bubbly.

Police Stop HK Disneyland Bomb Threat

23 Sep

The Raw Story has news from the Deutsche Presse Agentur: Man arrested for threat to bomb Disneyland in Hong Kong.

How did they catch the guy? He posted on an interweb message board, looking for instructions on how to make a bomb, and said he was going to bomb HK Disneyland. The article states, “Following the arrest, police issued a warning to the public to use the internet wisely and legally.” Um, yeah.

I’ve got to wonder . . . is HK Disneyland really having that much more trouble with angry workers, security threats, and lawsuits than the US parks? Or is Disney not yet well-enough connected in Hong Kong to keep the stories out of the media? My money’s on the latter.

Is Disney the Most Desirable Employer?

14 Sep

According to, Business Week has named Disney the “most desirable employer,” after surveying undergraduates and the career services that advise them.

Those survey respondents might want to take a look at yesterday’s Seattle Times, which mentions protests by Chinese workers who call Disney a sweatshop.

The most desirable employer perhaps, but for whom?

Local Park Proves Challenge to Hong Kong Disneyland

10 Sep

The International Herald Tribune has an Associated Press story today: Hong Kong Disneyland facing unexpectedly tough competition from local fixture Ocean Park (warning, pop-ups).

Hmmm, why my obsession with news about HK Disneyland? Maybe it’s because there’s so much of it this week, with the one-year anniversary of their opening? Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because it’s the only Disney resort I haven’t been to? Harumph. I gotta save up my frequent flier miles.

Disney Plans Chinese Indoctrination Camps, Takes Lesson from Mao

9 Sep

Travel Video Television News reports: HK Disneyland to focus on familiarizing Chinese with Disney characters.

In an effort to address the issue of lack of familiarity of Disney characters in China, Hong Kong Disneyland plans to hold induction programs in its theme park to educate Chinese tourists about Mickey Mouse and Winnie The Pooh.

I don’t know whether to alert Human Rights Watch, or send over a truckload of Mickey bars.

More Trouble for Hong Kong Disneyland: Buzz Sues Over Injuries

8 Sep

The Raw Story has more bad news for Hong Kong Disneyland: A 22-year old former Cast Member is suing over neck injuries sustained in a Buzz Lightyear costume.

Is this a big deal? Maybe. On the one hand, I’m sure there have been plenty of Cast Member lawsuits over the years; any company of this size will surely be sued now and then, and the conditions that “fur” characters work under are gruelling under the best of circumstances. On the other hand, Disney has had more trouble with lawsuits, unions, and general worker unrest overseas than they have stateside (see this article from EIROnline about a two-month strike at DL Paris in 1998), and given all the recent press on missing their initial attendance goals, this is bad timing.

On a related note . . . if you’re curious about what it’s like for “face” and “fur” characters, this bittersweet story on MousePlanet (warning, pop-ups) details one person’s experience, written by someone who “miss[es] the job with all [her] heart”.

Hong Kong Disneyland Attendance Falls Short; Anybody Surprised?

4 Sep

According to many sources, Hong Kong Disneyland has fallen short of its attendance goals for its first year (read the story here on Channel News Asia.)

Is anyone honestly surprised? How many people decided against visiting Hong Kong Disneyland after hearing of the Chinese New Year debacle last February, where thousands queued up and were turned away, and angry parents tossed their children over the gates? (Forbes covered that at the time: Thousands queue at Hong Kong Disneyland after chaos. You can also see a reference to it on Asian Travel Tips.)

And how many hardcore Disney fans commented that there weren’t enough attractions in the park on opening day? Hmm, let’s see . . . almost all of them?

My bet is that Hong Kong Disneyland will ultimately adapt to local conditions, rally, and create the sort of success we now see at Disneyland Paris, formerly known as Euro Disney (and which also stumbled significantly in its early years). Sure, it’s not Walt Disney World, but it’s a darn good park and has been doing well financially for some time now. Surely Disney learned enough from that experience to be able to recover more quickly this time.