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Tokidoki Vader Project

14 Jul

Love Vader, love Tokidoki. Helllloooo? More info on the Tokidoki site.

Disney and Star Wars Cosplay at ConnectiCon 2009

4 Aug

Most of the cosplay at ConnectiCon is either anime or gaming characters, but since it’s a multi-genre conference, all sorts of characters show up! Here are a few Disney costumes I spotted last weekend at the Hartford Convention Center (and captured with my sub-optimal camera phone, unfortunately).

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland, with the Cheshire Cat

Tinker Bell and Peter Pan

Tink and Peter, woot!

The 501st Legion Connecticut Garrison

The 501st Legion Connecticut Garrison! I was lucky enough to interview a representative; watch for this on the Those Darn Cats podcast in coming weeks.

Carl Fredricksen from Up

Carl Fredricksen, from Pixar's Up. After I took his picture, he gave me a balloon. ❤

Kirk vs. Vader

The ultimate nerd showdown!!!


Prince Ali, fabulous he


Kiki, from Kiki's Delivery Service (an ever-popular costume for sure)


Maleficent, evil incarnate, seems strangely out of place against the backdrop of Convention Center striped carpet

Darth Romeo

14 Oct

From ROFLRAZZI, which I am now tempted to link to absolutely every day!

My Star Wars Obsession Continues

23 Apr

It’s 57 days until I get on that flight to MCO for Star Wars Weekend! Not that I’m counting or anything. Not like I’m planning every detail in my mind already. But y’know, all kindza cool Star Wars stuff has been catching my eye on the interwebs lately.

More Star Wars Spuds

5 Apr

Darth Mash

Spuda Fett

From hyku‘s Flickr photostream. Hat tip: John Frost’s RSS shared items.

And, because y’all know I am obsessed with counting down to my very first trip to Star Wars Weekends, here’s a lolpups I just gotta share:


Disney and Star Wars Tchotke Round-Up

1 Apr
  • New Disney and Muppets Star Wars mash-up toys can be seen at Endor Express. (Hat tip: The Disney Blog.)
  • Incredible hand-made bronze cast Bobba Fett Pez dispenser on Flickr. Special bonus points for re-purposing the carcass from a Lion King dispenser! (Hat tip: BoingBoing.)
  • Super-cute Star Wars Amigurumi dolls at Geek Central Station! And a great interview with the crafty chick who made them at the Star Wars blog. (Hat tip: BoingBoing, again. And I gotta go on a tangent . . . the Star Wars blog had a banner ad saying: “Chewbacca, the original wingman.” How awesome is that?)
  • And, well, it’s kinda too big to call it a tchotke, but I found a picture of this awesome Darth Vader hot air balloon on Flickr, taken at the Albuquerque balloon fiesta, which I must say is a fine place to spend a morning if you ever get the chance.

And on top of everything else, I have been made aware that Donald Duck will be dressing as a stormtrooper this year for Star Wars Weekends! So, is it time to start packing for my trip yet? Pleeeeeeze?!???

Favorite Disney/MGM Studios Memories

18 Jan

My Jentasmic! column today recounts some of my favorite memories of the now-extinct Disney/MGM Studios park. Sure, Disney’s Hollywood Studios is virtually indistinguishable from MGM, but I needed a hook for the column, and will take any excuse to reminisce. Here’s one of the memories, just to try to encourage you to read the rest over at StudiosCentral:

4) Stars and Motor Cars Parade, October 2006. Yeah, I know, I know. It’s nobody’s favorite parade. But see, here’s the thing. I’m quite the Star Wars fan, and my son’s following in my footsteps (he easily whups me at Star Wars Trivial Pursuit these days). And most of our WDW trips have been during the holidays, when the Star Wars characters take a break from their parade duties (what, maybe they’re up at the North Pole helping the elves pack gifts?). But that October we were lucky enough to make a special trip, so we finally got to see R2 cruise down Hollywood Boulevard. I tried to get a decent video for YouTube, but the audio track was too full of my shouting, “Oh my God, it’s Artoo! It’s Chewie! Hey, Artoo, come over here!”

Oh, and by the way, if you’re still looking for a new tattoo for Star Wars Weekends, Hello Kitty Hell has a little fodder for you:

Star Wars Fun from Dark Roasted Blend

13 Dec

I never, ever, ever get tired of this stuff. And on a snow day like today, I’m very happy that Dark Roasted Blend has two full pages to enjoy!


Darth Vader TV Joystick Game

13 Dec


Never one to be behind the times, Broke Hoedown Jr is now the proud owner of a Darth Vader TV joystick game, as a companion piece to the Millenium Falcon game he picked up a week or so ago.

Star Wars Motivational Poster

28 Nov

 From GreebleMonkey, sent to me this morning by my bff Lisa.